Hazel Reflections Photography is Upgrading!

The fall season is a season of change, from the fields becoming bare after being harvested, the leaves on the trees change colors and fall to the ground, to change in peoples wardrobes –  pulling out the sweaters and putting away the shorts.

Hazel Reflections is also going through some changes. Changes for the better, changes to improve the quality of product delivered. 🙂

Changes to come

The editing software used has been upgraded! WOOHOO!! Now the hard work – learning how to use the new software and all the wonderfulness that comes with it.

Let me tell you, learning the software thus far has been an extremely slow and frustrating at times. 😦 But I’m not giving up. I am currently seeking all opportunities to learn this new software as fast as I can. From Youtube videos, to online courses, books, etc., I will learn it one way or another. LOL


I am also on in the process of upgrading my lenses. This beauty right here 😀 is on the top of my wish list! Hopefully by late spring I will have it to my collection! Fingers crossed! EEEEK!!! 😀 😀 😀

Why the change?

Normally I don’t like changes but I felt I was at a standstill-point with my photography and wanted/desired to increase my knowledge and quality of product for my clients. I wanted to be better for me (more knowledge) and wanted more for my clients. 🙂

Why wait?

The simple answer: I don’t want to go into debt. 🙂 Also I have the upgraded editing software and may need to take classes to help learn how to use it. Also I want to get familiar with the software before I try to get familiar with a new lens. One thing at a time, hence the lens can wait until I have the money and the time to play with it. 🙂

Any other changes?

Unfortunately, yes. With investing into the business with improved software, classes, and with equipment, etc., I am not able to keep my rates the same when I am putting it into the business. I won’t be in business for very long. 😦

The rate change will increase as of the 1st of 2019. So there’s still time to squeeze in your session before the end of the year and take advantage of the upcoming improvements! 🙂

So what do you say? 😉




The search for a barn

I’ve been slowly redecorating the living room after painting the walls a cheerful aqua blue. I have had full reins on all the decor decisions in the living room and have been very happy with the choices I have made thus far.

I have slowly decorated, thoroughly thought about each choice, not wanting to waste money or rush into getting something I didn’t fully love and regret later.

I then decided that I wanted a touch of my other half in the living room decor. This way there was a hint of him, something he’d like, even though he told me he didn’t care if he didn’t have a say and was happy with my choices thus far.

He likes barns and what it represents – American history. (Plus my chickens I have in the living room could use a barn. hee hee) But he was very precise about the barn – he didn’t like the look of ones that were ran down, not taken care of barns. Noted.

I started looking online at barn pictures, looked at Hobby Lobby, thrift stores, big box stores, etc. I knew I wanted a decent size picture, like 16″x20″ and that could cost me a good chunk of money. Prices just for the picture would range from $50 – towards over $200. Ugh. Then I would have to get a frame which again for that size I would need started at $30 (on sale & with a coupon) to over $100 easy. Definitely not in my budget for sure! >=P

Then my other half stated, “Why don’t you just take a picture of a barn since you do photography?”

Well…..why didn’t I think of that? LOL He’s so smart! =)

So over this past weekend, I had finally broke out my camera after over a year of not using it, and on my road trip to Grand Rapids I passed a lot of barns.

Most barns were occupied with houses and people. Didn’t want to awkwardly ask to take a picture of there barn. Nope, nope nope. LOL So on my way back, I found what looked like a ran down abandoned house that had a barn and other out houses.Score!

I quickly – very quickly jumped out of my vehicle, snapped a few pictures, and left before someone could see me. It was a very intense time for me. LOL

This was the result!


I am beyond in LOVE with how it turned out! My other half was happy with it too. Yay! So off to get it printed 16×20 for under $10 (scored a great coupon!). I have purchased a frame (a few weeks ago at our town-wide garage sales) which I feel needs my touch added to. (Craft time soon!)

Once I have done that, I will share the finished product on the wall! =D