What 2020 has taught me

Ah, 2020. What a LONG A$$ year you have been.

I was supposed to be married on May 9, 2020 like many brides; but you, 2020, had other plans.

I had vacations planned and those got cancelled.

My kids were forced to do online schooling which is a huge headache, let me tell you.

The year 2020 each month shown below.

2020, the good

  1. Vegas baby! (pre-COVID!)
  2. I got married, a small ceremony, quickly arranged within a week’s time
  3. During spring lock down, I only was able to work part time, but received full pay
  4. I was employed throughout the year and received a raise – YAY!
  5. Bell Pepper joined our family
  6. Dropped $12,000 on my mortgage! Hell yeah!
  7. My net worth, savings, and retirement accounts increased by leaps and bounds!
  8. Focused more on myself and making myself happy
  9. COVID vaccines

2020, the bad

  1. The quarantine 15lb 😦
  2. Not being able to go to church for a period of time
  3. Online school
  4. Rescheduled the wedding reception festivities twice! Fingers crossed, this is the last time!
  5. Cancelled holidays and birthdays
  6. Kids not being able to hang out with friends as often as they would like
  7. Trying to get my last name changed when everything was closed – only took 9 months!

2020, the ugly

  1. The daily news about COVID-19 and deaths
  2. The election and everything associated with that
  3. People attacking others over different view points

What I learned

Despite the downs 2020 has given everyone in general, I have learned to slow down and take time out for me (self care).

I have learned that I am blessed where I work.

I am blessed I’m debt free during a year when employment isn’t guaranteed and raising costs of living are running ramp-it.

I’m blessed I have an emergency fund so I don’t have to rely on someone else (aka: the federal government) to bail me out.

I am blessed my immediate family has remained healthy and safe.

Looking forward

As for 2021, I am hoping to achieve:

  1. Freshen up my kitchen (budget $1,000) – Move the refrigerator, install microwave / vent, install additional outlet(s), install more cabinets, new light fixture, new paint, new curtains, new hardware, etc.
  2. Pay $10,000 principle on my mortgage
  3. Senior pictures for my oldest daughter
  4. Help my oldest daughter start applying for scholarships and colleges
  5. Read 15 books
  6. Take 3 vacations