Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

I have been making homemade chicken noodle soup for my family for over a year and I seem to never make it the same. Recently my husband stated he would help me by making the soup for me but didn’t have my recipe – I never wrote it down. I was told I need to. LOL

So after making the soup yesterday on my afternoon off of work, I decided I would write it down and share my recipe. 😀 Yup, I know; I’m nice like that.

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe


  • 2-3lbs of skinless, boneless chicken thighs (or chicken beast for you picky folks)
  • Italian seasoning
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic
  • 1 medium size Spanish (or white) onion
  • 48oz chicken broth
  • 16oz (1lb) baby of baby carrots
  • 1 celery bunch
  • 6 cups Water
  • Chicken base or bouillon cube or stock cube or broth cube
  • 12oz of egg noodles


TOTAL Time: approximately 5 hours

Cooking Time: chicken 3 hours, soup approximately 2 hours


Fully cooked chicken!
  1. Put unfrozen chicken into crock pot, laying flat to ensure even cooking. Season chicken with Italian seasoning and pepper. Carefully pour some chick broth into crock pot so the bottom is just covered – try not to pour over the chicken and loose seasoning. Cook on low for 3 hr.
  2. After the chicken has been cooked, turn it off but leave it covered.
  3. Get a big soup pot, cover the bottom with extra virgin olive oil (or any oil of your preference).
  4. Mince 2-3 fresh garlic cloves into the pot.
  5. Chop up 1 medium onion. For people who don’t like onion maybe do a small onion or some onion powder.
Mmmmm! Onions!

6. I have a gas stove so you may have to alter your stove settings for electric. I turned the stove on to medium heat to brown the garlic and onions. Be careful not to burn it! Stir occasionally until onion and garlic are golden brown. (Approximately 5 minutes.)

7. Add rest of the chicken stock into the pot. Also add 2 cups of water.

8. In a separate multi-cup measuring bowl, pour in 4 cups of water and I mix in a tablespoon of a local restaurant’s chicken soup base. You can substitute a bouillon cube or stock cube or broth cube here. Once mixed, pour into the soup pot. Cover and turn down to medium-low heat.

We are getting fancy here!
Seasoning – stage 1

9. Add seasoning – generous amount of Italian seasoning and pepper, and a dash of salt. Don’t skim! When in doubt, at a bit more. ;D

10. Simmer on medium-low heat for at least 45 minutes covered. Check every so often and stir.

10. Cut up the baby carrots while the pot simmers. I cut them up into bite size pieces. Once all cut up, add to the soup pot! Save the bowl they chopped carrots were in. You will use it for the chicken soon!

11. Wash and chop up the bunch of celery into bite size pieces. Sit a side.

12. Take the chicken out of the crock pot (it should be cool enough to not burn your fingers. “Fork” the chicken into bit size pieces. Put pieces into used carrot bowl.

13. Check to see if the carrots are mostly cooked. Add celery, chicken pieces, and the “juice” from the crock pot into the soup pot. It should be looking and smelling good!

14. Re-season soup! Add a generous amount of Italian seasoning and pepper, and a dash of salt. Don’t skim! When in doubt, at a bit more. ;D Stir, cover and simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes.

Ekkk! Almost there!!!!

15. While soup is simmering, in a separate pot, cook the egg noodles per the package directions. I use my chicken base mixture instead of water to give my noodles more flavor.

16. After the soup has simmered, add noodles to the soup (and I add the base mixture the noodles cooked in too!) Stir.

So drooling here!

I was pretty proud of myself as I actually waited 15 minutes for the soup to cool before I started eating it. I normally try to eat it right away so excited, I burn my whole mouth. 😦

I hope you enjoyed my recipe and let me know what you think of it. I love it so that I make it twice a month and probably eat half of it myself. LOL